LLF 铁人3项台湾之旅 - Day 1
Friday, 20 August 2010;

Yes after few months finally uploading my taiwan trips..=)
Very happy to make this trip soo successful..
This gonna be a important part of my memories..
Fun going taiwan, meeting different kinds of people..=) soo heres' the sum up of photo for this trip..
So I gonna share the information I learned online to anyone out there..

TAIWAN TRIP (30 June- 08 July 2010)

Day 1...

Flight from Singapore to Taoyuan Airport : 1:50pm (Jetstar)
Around 4 hours of "flying"..
Reach Taoyuan Airport @ 630pm..

Whoo hoo..on the way to airport!!!! =)
Counted as our second overseas trip...but this time round is to celebrate our grad!!
Thanks liping who accompany us all the way from boonlay to airport..=D
Fiona - 11.4kg
Me - 11.4kg
Peck - 11.9kg

Off we go to taiwan!!!!~~~


So excited!!

We head down to the Bus Terminal on the left on the arrival hall of terminal 1, we heading down to Taoyuan HSR (High Speed Rail) station by going to the counter and take (United buses - Ubus) at the public buses parking bays (NT$30) ...

往高雄去。。。Heading to Kaohsiung..

From: 桃园 --> 左營
Time: 1 hour 40min
Frequency: 30min
Price: NT$860

After a super long journey..
1:50pm - 6:30pm (Plane - Singapore to Taoyuan Airport)
7:45pm - 8:10pm (Bus - Taoyuan Airport to Taoyuan HSR)
8:52pm - 10:30pm (Train - Taoyuan HSR to Zuoying HSR)
wow...tried all their travel facilities..LOL!
We've been traveling for nearly 10 hours..tired yet excited to reach the place!!

Our Kaohsiung Minsu (名宿) located at 85 building (85大樓)
名宿: 高雄85日租中心 (海景四人房)
Price per night: NT1800
Link: http://www.5658.com.tw/85/c03-31.htm / http://www.5658.com.tw/

This is the biggest room in this whole trip...
Cheap and comfortable..Room service everyday..
Do suggest everyone to try staying in Minsu instead of hotel..

We end our day by heading down to some night market near the 85 building..
Should post more some days!!!~