End of 2016~~

Thursday, 15 December 2016;
Maybe I should start posting something here? A re-cap will be great as a reflection on what I have done in the whole year..
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" - Helen Keller
In 2013...

Monday, 3 March 2014;
“Good things come to those who wait.. Greater things come to those who get of their ass and do anything to make it happen."
In 2013.....
Minji and friend came to Singapore to play and we (including Wanxin and Cheryl) of course bring them out and intro lots of food to them (at old airport road - I never been there too) hehe.. Nice seeing them again and in Singapore. :)
They really hosted us well in Korea, we can't do much as we are working but hopefully they enjoyed Singapore.
My very first overseas trip in 2013.
Malacca a so near yet so far place where I heard of it but yet didnt get the chance to go.. I remember this trip was a random trip where sis's friends suggested that we should go a short trip however in the end they didnt manage to go and her brother and girlfriend joined instead..
In this period my neck was quite serious! Super pain which leads to a bad headache till I can't even sleep at night, bad bad bad. So peck recommended me to go chinatown for Acupuncture, was telling Peck that we are the youngest in the queue. ahhh.. old body! T.T
Happy Chinese New Year to all! A period where we have lots of gathering to update one another, laugh and be very happy at the start of the year. The usual meet up with the super busy poly group, where people working, working in retail hours, studying plus working etc. We will always try our best to meet up in full team!
Lee style of Chinese new year. Perhaps all the youngster grown up, new year seems to be normal but instead adults are the one who will damn high than us.. =D.. I still enjoy new year where relative come together eat/play/talk in one house and make ah ma happy.
Candy crush fans.
But I guess we definitely lost time when we keep on looking at our phone.
I have to remind myself too not to always look at my phone! "Observe".
Good and great health to ah ma, family and everyone!!
My very first run of the year/life (maybe I will have more run in the future?hehe)
Was pretty excited on this run, animal zoo run'13 introduced by xian, peck drove all of us there and was super crowded and in the end we walked more then just 6km as we parked the car like 1km away from Singapore Zoo. However, in the middle of the run it started to pour.. ahhh~~ so we look damn shag due to the rain but running + walking in the rain seems so fun.. hehe!
A treat from the boss's boss.. Forgotten what actually happen that leads to this treat but anyway thanks for the treat boss'boss.. 감사합니다!! Feel that team was pretty ok~ more lively than before.
First visit to the sea aquarium at RWS, new attraction for the local and tourist.. I think is a nice place to visit but not too much times in a year.. with kids maybe yes.. Went twice one with family and then friends..
River cruise - Bought the package from groupon Sea aquarium + Singapore river cruise.. First time taking this cruise, feel so tourist.. =D
Desmond tan!!!!!!!!! **scream** Was just telling may about desmond tan here desmond tan there in the end he was in square 2 for an event!!! so so handsome and friendly of him.. Love him in acting "96 degree cafe".. Xiu li qiao~ so charming right!!!!!!!!!!!
Family trip to HongKong!
To recall, our very first family trip overseas was to hk in ermm 2008 (cant rmb)?! ever since then we have not been going hk for holiday (we had a memorable time with typhoon during our 1st family trip and rain rain rain) but our 2nd trip to hk is still rain rain rain! why why why..
Finally my mayday is back on the month of June!! I missed last year's concert! so damn sad! Spend my whole morning trying to grab this ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoyed myself, love the changing light-stick which helps to make the concert super exciting and high!! wo de ah xin!!!
Goal is to watch mayday concert live in taiwan!! 等我哦~~~
Sea aqur. with friends.. nice background where we capture lots and lots of group photo using timers from camera.. hehe..blue is the colour!
Very fruitful month where I got to see my friends proposal.. =).. Thanks Marcus from involving me, surprise to receive his call..I remember that we girls get so high when Fiona inform us on marcus's plan hahah..! Happy for Michelle and happy to witness this.. =) Blessed with love! 一定要幸福哦!
Happy Birthday to my beloved ah ma!!! 88 huat ar! hehehe.. Was not in Singapore last year to celebrate ah ma's birthday, of cause I don't want to be missed out this time round! Booked the chinese resturant at Jurongwest Safra
Finally able to attend company's D&D.. actually I missed alot, as last year I was in Korea they actually allow contact stuff to stay at hard rock hotel + USS ticket to play for the day.. But nvm! I guess I enjoyed more in Korea.. hahaha!
So anyway, this year they stayed at MBS! Left office at around 3 plus with Michelle and my admin, we went to my boss room who stayed together with my senior coll. and we took this chance to go up to the infinite rooftop pool!! so cool up there!
Shot taken while boss is bathing hahahah!oops!
Jiejie manage to get tickets to ndp and left with one more.. who to ask! of course is the Singapore toilet representative =X...
Am I thinking too much? hehe..
Have another offsite but this time round is only the PS dept.. Can't hide it, remember how we use to not join but this year ahh have too.. yes I am anti-social! Went to Changi crown hotel for buffet lunch and then cab down Changi beach area to canoe.. damn tired!!! body aching and then they drive us down for dinner at Jumbo! wow.. all the good food (crab! yummy).. Didnt spend much haha! cause coll drive me down to BV mrt.. and I waited for ning and qi at mrt.. Shagged
School starts on Aug.. Finally I am doing something that I always wants to do (get a degree cert), this shows that you still can get degree once you step into the working life.. do it not only say it! I guess I wouldn't want to do it if I delayed for another 1-2years.. but need alot of time management( for group assignment/individual etc) and lots of hardwork to catch up since I've not been studying for 3-4 years!
New friends! 3 are full timers and the other 1 is part timers.. I meet the girl beside me during orientation and we started talking to each other while in the presentation room but too bad she is full time student, so we can only be lecturer mates.. T.T
Mayday's nowhere concert 3D is in cinema.. I love how they keep us updated always.. hahah.. so the "wuyuetian" feeling is always in my body! Watched twice first time with qi peck and ning the other time with family hahaha!! Ah xin hao shuai orh!! <3 p="">
Its Meiying's month! Its my birthday month! lots and lots of celebration, realised quite a number of people were born at end year.. Really glad to have such lovely friends to listen to my naggy, we might not always meet up for dinner or a day out but if we have I am sure we enjoyed the time together very much!!
Happy Birthday Ah Chew too!! :) 4 year end babies!
Thanks WY and Mel for buying this cake for me during lecture! =)! Was quite shocked!
Always give the birthday person a treat that's the rule for our lunch group..
Girls girls girls.. the super noisy one haha!
Midnight surprise by ning.. but I wasn't that surprise cause I tot is my sis's bf sitting on my chair..
so conclusion, not to surprise anyone who just done from showering and is not wearing a spectacle
oops! Thank you for making the trip down to my house!
2 cakes? Ice cream melted!! cause they didnt place it in the freezer so they quickly went to buy another cake for me hahaha! daddy!~~
Going class on a Saturday and my birthday to do project~
But it was a good one! Thanks Michelle for buying this cake which caused her to reach class late..hehe!a bit ps to celebrate it with the new group of people that I know~~
This 2 girls dragged me to this movie night organize by company, I missed it last year too but I guess is because May and I don't wan to go there (hmm forgotten).. but ya.. this time round when with this 2 crazy girls hahaha.. we are allow to choose between Frozen and Hunger Game, we chose Hunger Game at first but in the end after watching the Trailer Michelle and I decided to watch Frozen! a good move I should say.. hehe!
Ended of our last assignment of the semester..
Ended my very first exam.. its been a few years since I last went for a writing exam, in RP, there is no written exam, everything will be in the computer + open book (ppt slides)..so its has been 4 years since I last wrote something on a paper.. but was happy that it ended.. =D
Longest hair of my life? growing without me knowing.. hehe.. didnt realised it till friends start to comment.. from xi gua tuo to long long hair..
End year party (Countdown)
I am not a countdown person as I dont like crowds plus not able to sleep but this year, random qi suggest to buy a ticket and get into the floating platform to watch performance.. We had Lee hom and The Wanted performing + mediacore 50th years..so why not~~ best solution to not be in the crowd yet enjoying the fireworks.. =) but still prefer a stayhomecountdown..
To end.. This year have been an exciting year, finally took up a degree (action on it), hoping for a better year ahead meeting nice and kind people at work/school/friends.. Healthier (no more/lesser shoulder/neck aching/stomach flu).. *peace!
了了? Liao liao

Friday, 24 May 2013;
2012 - 2013

Monday, 11 February 2013;
Recapping 2012~
Have not been really blogging throughout the year so let's do a little recap.. :)
Jan 2012 - Happy New Year and Chinese New Year!
Been raining for the whole week.
Rainbow spotted before the day of new year eve.. good sign? huat ar!
And of cos rain contd - Eve of CNY!
Reunion dinner at Bottle Tree this year...
Chu 1!!!!
The usual family photo to be taken at ah ma house with ah ma!!!
Chu 2!
This year chu 2 falls on the 23th! double happiness!
Parents and Uncle Meng's anniversary!
Went to Carlton hotel for celebration~ buffet!
Feb 2012 - Mabel is back and SS4!
New year meet up and gossiping with Poly mate!! Glad that we meet up once in a while, I know is hard to find a date and time where everyone are ok with but yeah! we should have more of this meet up! :D
SS4 with Choo and Kuan Gek!
Thanks choo for booking the tickets for me! 1st time for me to be in a standing area and right down the platform. Not much photo taken as they are so strict of photo taking! Security just point and pull you out..soo poor thing for some of the fans..
Kuan Gek is the apple of Kyu's eyes! cause she picked the apple that kyu eat..wahaha.but it was in a mess when the apple throw down to our side..
"Please dont throw anything down" T.T.. its so scary that every fan rush to your area~~
Apr 2012 - 1st overseas trip of the year! and Lee er jie is back after 9 months!
Welcome back to Singapore jiejie~ hair longer and face rounder~ =X
My very 1st overseas trip with the girls! and my very 1st trip to bkk!! the shopping paradise!
Seriously! Hot weather near to 40 degree but cheap and nice stuff to shop with!! 100 Baht, 80 Baht etc etc~~!
Now I know the power of BKK and girls~ hahahah.. thats how much I left when I leave bangkok airport~ coins~~
May 2012 - Rooftop prince!!!!!!!!!!
Why is ahying holding a sunflower standing at 313~ Its ahning grad date! I feel weird holding a sunflower standing there~~ so I took a photo and send it to qi..
and of cos! I was intro to this drama "Rooftop Prince" by choo and I super love it!! Like a super crazy girl over this drama!!!! cho ha~~~~
June'2012 to Aug'2012 - My wonderful Journey (Tick) 24 June to 04 Aug
This month is a very special month for me as I am going to leave my home town family and friends for 6 weeks~..说长不长,说短不短...
I flew off throwing behind my work, my pay~ for joy, experience, excitement together with Liee and Nicole (Liee's Uni friend)..
Thanks boss for letting me go~~~ I make this decision and told her ard 6 months before I flew..a big big plan for me but I am glad that my boss supported me!! *whoo hoo~
1am flight, I still rmb we ate bimbimbap as breakfast at 4am in the morning hahahahah~
School - Ewha Womens University (이화여자대학교)
Lesson choosen - Korean Ceramic and Korean Language
Lesson Time - 9am to 11:30am and 2pm to 5pm
1st outing with the girls..met more n more friends!! yeah~ to Korean Folk Village
Been doing good and getting to the life in there fast.. =)
Meet lots and lots of people, great accompany..
Went to Jeonju and ate their famous local bibimbap..Love the hanok village! I am really interested in this house~ so cute~
Thanks to all the buddies that I met..Might not be my buddy (Yi soo) but others buddies are all very very friendly too! bring us to places that we want and intro us good food!
I really miss the food in Korea!!
- My diff type of fried chicken love the one with garlic!!
- The Chicken Steak in Bobo Namu (Kiss Tree)
- Ewha - POSCO building Sarang's Kimbap! love the cheese n kimchi with something something LOL!
- Tosokchon Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken)
- All types of Korean Bbq (love the egg in kanghodong's shop)
- Busan 돼지국밥 (dweji kuk bab) - OMG SUPER LOVE!!!!

My Korean class! finally I joined a Korean language class been wanting to do in Singapore but ya due to time, location the idea was cancelled. Love the teacher there!! they are all super friendly too!
Went to travel, Busan and Yeosu Expo 2012 and of cos! Kpop crazy, its seems like is a must to do this!! and of cos this only applies to those who are going there for many days..I dont think I will waste my time in queuing if I am going Korea just for 10 days etc..
It's great to know the history of Korea, do visit the palace ~ We only got to visit 2 out of the 5 (Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung)..I love them! hahaha..Gyeongbokgung was the main palace but I love Changdeokgung more as its nice to walk around the "secret garden"..
Really really happy and hopefully I have more of this chances of going overseas and stay for a month..The feeling is good!~
Maybe I am too enjoying my life and there goes my 1st wisdom tooth!!!~~ *ouch ouch!
I hate that feeling~~ but hehehe 3 days MC since its not a surgery tooth~
Sept'2012 - Big bang in the house!
Thanks to ttl for giving me this free tickets!!! I can't really make up my mind when they are selling their ticket during my Korea stay.. but yeah! I still manage to watch it..HEHEHE!!
First time to Singapore Flyer in 2012~ like a slow I know but ya~~
Bought the deal in groupon Singapore Flyer + Garden by the bay = $28?
Went back to Zoo~~ they plan this trip when I am in Korea? Can't really rmb why we wanna go zoo..
Oct'2012 - The month for ahyingshow!
Great celebration with awesome person!!!
Thanks all for being here and celebrating with me!!!!~~~
Friendship forever~ (old school..hehe)
Nov'2012 - Long awaiting family trip in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh
The last family trip was to Korea back in 2011 Apr and Jan to Macau..so we are planned out our next destination but I kind of forgotten how we ended up going HCM..HAHAHA!!
But ya overall, its something special..overseas trip not for shopping etc but to walk around the city, slack in cafes and cafe hopping! and of cos the most challenging part is to cross the busy room in vietnam, full with bikes~ you need to look left right front back..
Dec'2012 - A month filled with joy!
Finally bought my Samsung Note 2! After so many of "out of stock" situation and I manage to get it on Christmas!! yeah~
Went to jiejie's friends house to Christmas party..The theme was retro style? Do we have it?
Manage to take a photo but baby is crying~~ "I wanna slp T.T"~~
At the end of 2012 and welcoming 2013, we booked RELC Hotel in orchard area to celebrate!
Let's say good bye to the enjoyable 2012 and everything will be better in 2013!! Let's have more fun and enjoy life like nobody cares~ :D
To be healthy and happy!